Symantec and Websense

This past weekend I ended my TechCrunch guest post about disruption in the security space with these words: “But change is coming, and it’s going to be ugly for the old guard.”

I didn’t know how fast it would start, or how ugly it would be. It’s starting now, and it’s uglier than I imagined.

Yesterday morning, Symantec surprised the market by ousting their CEO, effective immediately. The new CEO said it’s his focus to shift the company to be subscription- and mobile-focused.

Websense just got destroyed by the market yesterday after their Q2 results came out. The private equity vultures will circle Websense now and pick them up before the year is over I’d imagine.

I wish Symantec good luck. They will need it. Every major security company today will cease to exist or be relevant in the next 3-5 years.

But we’re hiring. And we will be more than relevant. We will be a leader.


Now read this

Pulling the alarm doesn’t cause a fire

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