And now I blog.

So @dcurtis set me up with a blog. My plan is to write at least once per week.

My goals are as follows:

I don’t plan to enable comments. Why? As @parislemon has made quite clear, it’s all mostly bile. I don’t want my articles to be polluted with someone else’s words, misinterpretations, tangents, or distractions.

I welcome feedback and responses, but anyone with a comment or response can deliver it on Twitter, FB, on their own blog or privately via email. I’ll try to update my posts with curated links pointing to feedback and reactions from around the web that I think add to the discussion.




Now read this

Pulling the alarm doesn’t cause a fire

PG wrote that “If you haven’t raised money yet, lower your expectations for fundraising.” He attributes this positions to a conversation he had with a promenant investor who “seemed sure the bad performance of the Facebook IPO will hurt... Continue →